Recovery isn't out of your reach. Follow our simple path to take back your power and stop having food control your every thought!

Yes, it’s actually possible with the RIGHT strategies and steps (no matter how many decades you’ve tried!) 

(with Daily steps and active support)

food freedom starts here

To the woman who's tired of thinking about food around the clock...'s no wonder warriors all over the world are raving about our unique approach to recovery!

With results like these...

If what you've been doing hasn't fully worked, it's time to try something new.

food & body

food & body thoughts still ruling your life.

...and if you're like most of our members before joining the Courage Club, chances are you're tired of

...and if you're like most of our members before joining the Courage Club, chances are you're tired of

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You've been accepted into the Courage Club.

We see that you want more freedom from your eating disorder (behaviors and thoughts!) so that you have more time and energy to devote to your loved ones,  passions, work, and live a meaningful life.

If you're tired of fighting your weight and fighting with food.
Less energy spent on ED and more energy for the things I value in life.
Life is too short to always wake up thinking about food and go to bed with anxiety around food choices.

From the moment you wake up, food and exercise are still on your mind.

You have a therapist you adore, but often find yourself feeling stuck and alone in between sessions

At this point, you're so confused about what healthy even is anymore. The overwhelming battle in your mind over what you should or should not eat continues, day-after-day. 

1) have more self-confidence and self-compassion 
2) become more flexible with my food choices 
3) experience a decrease in my ED thoughts 
4) continue to accept myself and my body 
5) establish (and strengthen) connections with others in a like-minded community
6.) Be a better partner, parent, friend, and loved one

**pursuing things that interest me beside thinking about ED**

**see myself better equipped emotionally to handle life,**


we see you

thoughts still ruling your life.

👇🏼 So here's the deal...

It's not your fault that you're not making                                                                                You need more action steps and accountability.

It's not your fault that you're not making more

You need more action steps and accountability.

progress in your recovery.

You're left with HUGE gaps in between your sessions that leave you feeling lost and all alone when it matters most. You need MORE accountability.

Accountability includes:

  1. CLARITY (direction)
  2. COMMITMENT (action steps)
  3. CONNECTION (support)
  4. COURAGE (change)

Me, when I realize 99.4% of ED recovery happens outside of weekly therapy.

If you're lucky enough to have weekly therapy sessions, you're still on your own for 99.4% of the week!
General doctors aren't trained to be ED Specialists. Insurance companies demand unrealistic timelines and criteria that only perpetuate feeling like you're failing at recovery or you aren't "sick enough".

Over 80% of people suffering from eating disorders don't get the care they need and deserve. 

If you believe this is your fault, because you don't have enough willpower or self-discipline, or that something is completely wrong and broken with you because you're still struggling, listen up: 

more progress in your recovery. 

    Daily actions step are the BEST way to                                                                                    so you can stop fighting food and your body (& finally feel free)!

Daily action steps are the BEST way to                                                                                         so you can stop fighting food and your body (& finally feel free)!

 eating disorder patterns
 disorder patterns
break destructive
break destructive

They decided to make a change and get more accountability!

"Before the Courage Club I was feeling lost, ED was the center of my life. I didn’t believe full recovery was possible. Now I've found connection to a community and myself. I'm discovering who I am outside of my relationship with food and body."


I felt stuck in my recovery journey, so I decided to 

try something different.


"Support can look different from what you expect. It doesn't have to come from your family or friends or others that you share a home with. The Courage Club has been an incredible experience!"

This support system has been huge with staying on track and has helped me                                           in recovery!

grow stronger


“I was alone. I was in the darkness of hell with ED. I was lost. I was losing hope that recovery could ever be possible for me. Now, I am a strong, confident badass. I am a different person. I feel connected to myself and others AND I appreciate all the things my body does for me."

The Courage Club literally

changed my life!

"Support can look different from what you expect. It doesn't have to come from your family or friends or others that you share a home with. The Courage Club has been an incredible experience!"

"Support can look different from what you expect. It doesn't have to come from your family or friends or others that you share a home with. This has been an incredible experience!"


This support system has been huge with staying on track and has helped me                                   in recovery!

This support system has
   been huge with
staying on       track and has helped me                                          in recovery!

grow stronger

“I was alone. I was in the darkness of hell with ED. I was lost. I was losing hope that recovery could ever be possible for me. Now, I am a strong, confident badass. I am a different person. I feel connected to myself and others AND I appreciate all the things my body does for me."


The Courage Club literally

changed my life!

So, dear warrior:

Do you really wanna continue to be at war with the eating disorder voice over food rules, routines, and your body shape?

Do you want to stay trapped in this vicious cycle  - and have it continue for years? 

Or, do you want to finally take back your power back and build a meaningful life free of an eating disorder? 

Practical strategies, action steps, AND active support to FINALLY stop fighting food and your body! 

The Courage Club


THEory → PraCTICE → MasTEry
THEory ➡ PraCTICE ➡ MasTEry

Practical strategies, action steps, AND active support to finally stop fighting food and your body! 

Milestone-by-milestone recovery becomes possible

“I was alone in my recovery and needed extra support, guidance and a community to keep me accountable. It helped me understand why I’m the way I am and helped me to tap in the right places to heal.


pushed me beyond

The Courage Club really                                                  
what I
thought I could do.

The Courage Club is the only community for women determined to recover that offers real progress within
the first month                                                                             

The Courage Club is the only community for women determined to recover that offers real progress within
the 1st month (and continued results over time).                                                                    

(and continued results over time).


"I can’t believe how quickly the Courage Club got me back on track. I now have the lifelong skills I need to maintain recovery. My pod is amazing, they understand what I’ve been through and cheer me on when I need it."

My recovery grew wings and                            

started to fly.


“I feel so inspired by the women inside the group. I connected with the part of me that is willing to work really hard on something that is meaningful to me. I truly showed up."

The Courage Club helped me                                    

stay on track.


"I can’t believe how quickly the Courage Club got me back on track. I now have the lifelong skills I need to maintain recovery. My pod is amazing. I have made friends for life who understand exactly what I’ve been through and who cheer me on when I need it."

My recovery literally grew wings and                            

started to fly.

“I feel so inspired by the women inside the group. I connected with the part of me that is willing to work really hard on something that is meaningful to me. I truly showed up."


The Courage Club helped me                                    

stay on track.

So, what do I receive when I join the Courage Club?

5-Minute Monday Mindset video trainings and coaching to start your week off strong and continue to stay on track. 

for our busy gals on the go

Mindset Guidance

Practical tools and coping strategies to soothe difficult emotions (anxiety, frustration, guilt, etc.) in non-food ways.

for our warriors with strong feelings

Monthly Emotion Explorations

Participate (& get coached!) in LIVE monthly coaching calls that answer your questions, clear up your doubts, and keep you motivated and on track.  

for our curious knowledge seekers

Exclusive Expert Q&A

Get meal support by receiving suggestions for new foods, variety, and balanced meals while reinforcing a recovered mindset and way of life. 

for our mindful meal makers

Curated Recipe Vault

Celebrate your wins, share your insights and get through roadblocks in a private safe space away from social media. 

for warriors yearning to feel seen and heard

Active Community Support

  • Level of recovery 
  • Age (from college to gray hairs!)
  • Behaviors you're recovering from

Work towards your individual goals with the support of a small, class-size pod custom-matched to your needs: 

for warriors wanting to make progress

Hand-Matched accountability pod

Take achievable action steps every month that move you closer to your recovered Self – see and embody real, tangible change in your life! 

for our courageous action takers

Monthly warrior challenges

  • Complete multiple challenges
  • Earn a milestone badge
  • Get rewards!








So, what do I receive when I join the Courage Club?

Take achievable action steps every month that move you closer to your recovered Self – see and embody real, tangible change in your life! 

for our courageous action takers

Monthly warrior challenges

Work towards your individual goals with the support of a small, class-size pod custom-matched to your needs: 

for warriors wanting to make progress

Hand-Matched Accountability Pod

  • Level of recovery 
  • Age (from college to gray hairs!)
  • Recovery goals

Practical tools and strategies to soothe and cope with difficult emotions (anxiety, frustration, guilt, etc.) in non-food ways.

for our warriors with strong feelings

Monthly Emotion Explorations

5-Minute Monday Mindset video trainings and coaching to start your week off strong and continue to stay on track in your recovery.

for our busy gals on the go

Weekly Mindset Guidance

Participate (& get coached!) in LIVE monthly coaching calls that answer your questions, clear up your doubts, and keep you motivated and on track. 

for our curious knowledge seekers

Exclusive Expert Q&A

Get meal support by receiving suggestions for new foods, variety, and balanced meals while reinforcing a recovered mindset and way of life. 

for our novice and mindul meal makers

Curated Recipe Vault







Celebrate your wins, share your insights and get through roadblocks in a private safe space away from social media. 

for warriors yearning to feel seen and heard

Active Community Support


  • Complete multiple challenges
  • Earn a milestone badge
  • Get rewards!

The Courage Club  is unique and unlike anything else available for recovery

The CC is designed for introverts & extroverts to thrive

While there are benefits to social media, the research is clear that social media exacerbates eating disorders and self-esteem issues through filtered images, body objectification, comparison, and triggers. This is why we connect over a private app - off social media





4 Healing Paths

We focus on experiential healing
embodying recovery, not just intellectualizing it. 

This is where we see people in recovery get stuck, like really stuck. They know A LOT about psychology, nutrition, body positivity, wellness, the list goes on...Except they struggle to actually implement what they know into what they do, leaving them without the results they want. This is why we created a holistic framework that helps you go from theory to practice to mastery in the four key areas of recovery so you can embody (not just intellectualize) new ways of being with food, body, and self.

from here

to here

The Courage club

Most recovery memberships

from here

Don't have a filtered community of determined recovery warriors.

Has the most filtered community possible, as our members are here to make full recovery real and are willing to show up and do the work.

Are oversized and overwhelming. You feel like a number.

Is intentionally built with hand-matched 20 member pods and opportunities to connect with other pods. 

Takes an integrative approach to recovery through structured learning paths that build off one another.

Teaches you the skills and mindset that prepares you for long-term success.

Sees the bigger picture of recovery, connecting the healing of food, mind, body, and self (soul).

Don't have a structure and path to follow, just a random collection of content.

Don't prepare you for long-term success.

Focus on only one piece of the recovery puzzle.

Are you starting to wonder how long women usually need to stay in the CC for?

Great question - and we have an answer!

Having guided thousands through the recovery process (and our own personal lived experience of recovery!), we can confidently say recovery is a multi-year process. Most of our members say it takes them well over a full year of working towards a strong and active recovery before they feel confident going off on their own! 

After this, many stay on for the accountability, constant new challenges, inspiration, endless education and motivation factor

It's a hard group to leave and sticking with a recovered lifestyle absolutely takes time! 

This is why we've broken down the Courage Club into rewarding milestones and made it affordable to stay for the long haul. 

Here's what some women have                                                 and what's possible for you: 

achieved in this time 


I am over the hump and consider myself fully in recovery. I am focused on being free. I want to share my story more and                                                     

help other women my age.

help other women

my age.


Small goals (continued over time) = huge growth. The Courage Club helped me                                    in what matters most.

Small goals (continued over time) = huge growth. The         Courage Club helped me                                         in what matters most.

stay grounded


I am                                     about where I am. The feeling of                  ,                         , and                       was worth every single penny and every minute of time.

I am                                     about where I am. The feeling of                               ,                          , and                             was worth every single penny and every minute of time.

feeling so good

feeling so good








Where recovery comes true

Learn STRATEGIES to dial down the intensity of OBSESSIVE THOUGHTS

With all the life-changing tools you get, The Courage Club is easily worth $499/month. But we know this level of investment is not accessible for the long haul. That's why we're offering our signature accountability, support, and proven path at a membership rate that fits with your lifestyle.

Fill your journal up with WEEKLY WINS AND GRATITUDE

Practice NEW SKILLS to challenge the eating disorder each month

Make your therapy GOALS come to life through DAILY ACCOUNTABILITY

The shocking reality is                                                                                                                                       . That's why we created the Courage be the consistent training ground you need to stay on track.

The shocking reality is                                                                                                                                 . That's why we created the Courage be the consistent training ground you need to stay on track.

That's $12,000 per year alone for outpatient services

Therapy and nutrition support can cost upwards of $1,000 per month

Residential and IOP programs are $30,000 per month or more 

Like most people who try to recover from an eating disorder, you could spend YEARS being stuck in the vicious cycle

More willpower, trying ‘harder’, falling back into behaviors, going over the same issues in therapy like a broken record. It sucks to feel stuck and powerless to the patterns. On top of this, eating disorder treatment costs nearly as much as a second college degree.

99.4% of recovery happens outside of 


of recovery happens outside

weekly therapy

of weekly therapy

save 25% - 3 months free!



follow our path to freedom & healing

Monthly Warrior Challenges

Custom Accountability Pod

Monthly Emotion Explorations

Weekly Mindset Guidance

Exclusive Expert Q&A's 

Curated Recipe Vault

BONUS: Stay Motivated

BONUS: Daily Growth Habit

BONUS: Stress Free Meal Planner

24/7 Community Support

No contracts, cancel anytime

per month


for only

EVERYTHING you get as a monthly member

2024 Wall Calendar

90 Day Money Back Guarantee




In the Courage Club, you're not alone.

Because let's face it, dealing with an eating disorder can feel isolating as hell

It's tiring hiding your struggles from people who just don't understand.

In the Courage Club, you don't have to hide anymore.

You're part of a growing pro-recovery community who support each other, cheer each other on, but most importantly... get it. 

We get it – flashback to college, when you got that nervous feeling on the first day.

Was everybody in your class your bestie? No. But did you make some solid connections? Yes! 

Part of recovery is loosening your control, so practice with the Courage Club and trust that you'll meet awesome warriors with similar backgrounds, ages & stories who get you – and want support to recover, too! 

"I'm I actually gonna connect with a bunch of strangers?"

Ahh, this is the ultimate conundrum in recovery. We totally understand.

You don't want your life to revolve around an eating disorder and recovery forever... at the same time, you also know that you can't truly get to mastery without a solid foundation and consistent practice.

This is why inside the Courage Club, your recovery journey is broken into key integration phases and milestones: FOOD, MIND, BODY, and SELF – because true freedom and healing relies on all these aspects.

"I've already been working on recovery for so long, won't focusing on my ED make it stick around and never go away?"

We know it's important for you to be around people who take their recovery seriously and really want it.

This is why inside the Courage Club, we hand-match you to an accountability pod based on your level of recovery and recovery goals.

On top of that, our strong code of conduct and facilitators keep the environment safe, and ensure that you're surrounded by people who are truly ready to leave their eating disorder behind... just like you! 

It's important to be around people who take their recovery seriously and really want it.

This is why inside the Courage Club,
we hand-match you to an accountability pod based on your level of recovery and recovery goals.

On top of that, our strong code of conduct and facilitators keep the environment safe, and ensure that you're surrounded by people who are truly ready to leave their eating disorder behind... just like you! 

"Wait... Won't being around people who are struggling trigger me or bring me down?"


 "I don't open up easily, but this feels like the first step and it feels really good. I made friends here that understand my process and I understand their process. I am so grateful for that."

"I don't open up easily, but this is the first step and it feels really good. I made friends here that understand my process and I understand their process. I am so grateful for that."


I have learned that                                                 is really something I need in daily life.

sharing and support

sharing and 


save 25% - 3 months free!



follow our path to freedom & healing

Monthly Warrior Challenges

Custom Accountability Pod

Monthly Emotion Explorations

Weekly Mindset Guidance

Exclusive Expert Q&A's 

Curated Recipe Vault

BONUS: Stay Motivated

BONUS: Daily Growth Habit

BONUS: Stress Free Meal Planner

24/7 Community Support

No contracts, cancel anytime

per month


for only

EVERYTHING you get as a monthly member

2024 Wall Calendar

90 Day Money Back Guarantee





Recovery is #1 for me.                                            is what I'll do! I'm not just looking to be 'ok', I want to work beyond that.

Recovery is #1 for me.

is what I'll do! I'm not just looking to be 'ok', I want to work beyond that.

Whatever it takes

It's time to make a choice

As you probably already know, nothing changes if nothing changes. You can keep on trying to have more willpower or try to ‘figure it out' with limited support, but without the proper tools and support, you’ll make little progress. 

If you’re finally ready to make peace with food, and befriend & trust your body – then the choice is simple. Come join us inside the Courage Club and get the tools and support that will lead you to a strong recovery.

Simply click the button below 
& apply. Our team is eagerly awaiting your application on 
the other side!

If you’re still on the fence, unsure if you should get on the path – We want to share one last thing with you.

If you don’t make a point to break through what’s been holding you back & change your ways of thinking, the feeling of not being good enough will continue to hold you back in every area of your life.

If you keep waiting for your circumstance to be ‘just right’ before you change, you are going to end up watching your one precious life pass you by.

You can live a life free of food and body struggles.

Choice #1: Do nothing

Choice #2: Apply to the CC

Click here to APPLY!

Wait, I got some questions...

What can I expect once I apply to the CC?

Once you apply to the CC, our team will review your application. If selected, we'll invite you to enroll ASAP to guarantee you get a spot inside. We start November 1st. You'll get access to everything you need to hit the ground running! You’ll be guided to join the community and take a tour of your new training ground for living a healthier, happier life free of an ED.

How does the CC accountability work exactly? Is it live or self-paced?

Accountability is the heart beat of the Courage Club. We offer it through the accountability pods, our self-paced curriculum (Warrior Challenges and Emotion Explorations), and opportunities to interact live monthly with experts in our Expert Q&A sessions.

Accountability pods are around 20 people in size and are focused around what phase you're at in recovery, your goals, and any lifestyle elements that are important to you (e.g. college? gray hairs? kids? etc..).

Inside your accountability pod, you do daily and weekly check-in's – which take less than an unfulfilling 5-10 minute doom scroll session on IG and fill your cup with loving self-care. Your accountability pod is there for you to stay on track and hit important recovery milestones like completing your Warrior Challenges and Emotion Explorations. If you haven't had accountability like this before, welcome to the missing piece to your recovery.

This is a sensitive topic for me. How can I be sure my privacy will be protected?

The Courage Club is a private password protected space, off social media. The only people who have access are the incredible members inside. You determine how much info you want to share on your profile. We don't share anything without your permission. All the posts and testimonials you've just seen on this page, were happily approved and encouraged to share.

I lead a busy life. How much time will this take each week?

The Courage Club is designed to fit seamlessly into your daily life. We believe in embodying recovery, not just studying recovery. That means taking achievable action steps in as little as 15 minutes a day. This will build your confidence and get you further faster without spending a ton of time.

In as little as 2 hours per week, following the supportive guidance and structure of the Courage Club, you will strengthen your recovery. 

If you want to invest more time, there will be plenty of tools, connections, challenges, expert advice, and lessons to keep you active and engaged in your recovery each month.

Do I have to be working with a therapist and dietitian to join the CC? 

We cannot understate the value and importance of having professional medical support in your recovery. The Courage Club is a fantastic complement to therapy, but is in no way a substitution for a good therapist, dietitian, or coach.

We offer something different. For many of our members, the Courage Club was the piece that was missing in their recovery and they didn't know where to find it.

If you are further along in your eating disorder recovery and no longer need to see a therapist and dietitian regularly, the Courage Club is a great place to stay on the path and connected to a supportive community for accountability and deeper healing work.

What if I want to cancel?

There are no contracts! You can cancel any time under ‘billing’ in your account settings inside the Courage Club.

Is there any support available if I have questions or get stuck?

Yes! You have 24/7 support in the community where you can ask questions, share what is on your mind, and work through obstacles together.

Now’s not the right time. When are you opening doors again?

The doors will open again, but never at this founding member rate or with the same bonuses. When you enroll today, you get locked in at the lowest investment the Courage Club will ever have.

Out of genuine curiosity though, when is the right time for you? Do you even know? In fact, if you don’t know, how long have you been putting this off? What stories have you been telling yourself that it ‘isn’t the right time now’ as an excuse? How much longer are you willing to stay stuck in the eating disorder cycle? 

The Courage Club is currently available for the "Holiday" investment. If you return to this page and the rate has gone up to $87/month, please know this discount offer is no longer available.

Now Open!

Applications close Nov 26th at 11:59pm EDT
